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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 7, Issue 1, pp. 1-156

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The Riemann—Liouville Integral and Parameter Shifting in a Class of Linear Abstract Cauchy Problems

L. R. Bragg

pp. 1-12

Oscillation Criteria for Third Order Differential Equations

Gary D. Jones

pp. 13-15

Convolutions of Orthonormal Polynomials

W. A. Al-Salam and T. S. Chihara

pp. 16-28

On Birth-Death Processes with Rational Growth Rates

Daniel P. Maki

pp. 29-36

Asymptotically Vanishing Oscillatory Trajectories in Second Order Retarded Equations

Bhagat Singh

pp. 37-44

Continuous Parameter Dependence in a Class of Volterra Equations

Kenneth B. Hannsgen

pp. 45-58

New Identities for Legendre Associated Functions of Integral Order and Degree. I

S. R. Schach

pp. 59-69

Nonlinear Perturbations of the Orr–Sommerfeld Equation—Asymptotic Expansion of the Logarithmic Phase Shift Across the Critical Layer

Richard Haberman

pp. 70-81

The Bessel Polynomials and the Student $t$ Distribution

Mourad E. H. Ismail and Douglas H. Kelker

pp. 82-91

Construction of a Family of Positive Kernels from Jacobi Polynomials

M. Rahman

pp. 92-116

Moduli of Monotonicity with Applications to Monotone Polynomial Approximation

Vasant A. Ubhaya

pp. 117-130

Singularities of Solutions to Exterior Analytic Boundary Value Problems for the Helmholtz Equation in Three Independent Variables. I: The Plane Boundary

R. F. Millar

pp. 131-156